Searching for the perfect roommate is like looking for a needle in a haystack (or, more accurately, looking for hay in a needle stack). Finding the right one is a glorious victory of gladiator-esque proportion. Conversely, finding the wrong one can be a living nightmare. For example: Ad reads: Responsible and neat young professional seeks […]
It may seem like overkill. Really? A roommate agreement? We’re living together, not starting a country. However, all it takes is one drunk guy from your roommate’s rager passing out on your bedroom floor to make you reconsider the need for rules and boundaries in your living space. As we’ve said countless times, your comfort, […]
Let’s talk about subletting. The word probably brings to mind the nightmare of total strangers sleeping in your bed, rearranging your things, wearing your bathrobe, and taking over your life. If you are OCD, stop reading now. Imagine the following scenarios: Oh, Caspian. How on earth are you going to enjoy your “spirit hike” up […]
Pets are an appealing part of a 20-something’s life. You see your neighbor walking an enthusiastic beagle every day. On snowy mornings, you admire the charming couple who have designed matching coats and cold-weather boots for their two English bulldogs. When your car is buried under a blanket of snow, you just want a team […]
Cleaning sucks. Communal cleaning with a cheery tune in the background makes the time fly. Think about sailors singing weird, rape-y drinking songs on the decks of pirate ships. Think about Mary Poppins using her unexplained magical powers to clean the nursery. This is Spoon Full of Sugar shit. Having a tune in the background […]
Let’s talk about sex for a minute. More accurately, let’s talk about sex in your apartment. No shame there. It’s a thing you like to so when you have your own place and no longer have to hang that awful orientation laniard on your door for 5 minutes alone with your S.O. Having your own […]
Who You Gonna Call? Let’s face it: be it mice, bugs, or poltergeists, no one likes unwelcome visitors in their home. The idea of roaches, spiders, or ants is a big NOPE. While some people invite vermin in by living in filth, a lot of times it is virtually impossible to keep ALL pests out […]
So you’ve moved into your own place. You finally smash up the last of the cardboard boxes and are ready to snuggle up with some wine and Netflix. Then, you gaze around at the bare walls and the stack of rock-n-roll posters and sports calendars that you used to decorate your college dorm. Hell, you […]